2024年7月5日更新: 新たにリストエディタを追加しました。小テスト画面内のEDITモードよりも、大量のデータの追加やソートや検索に便利です。
100個の問題: ["major", "skill", "ancient", "value", "research", "knowledge", "complete", "despite", "certain", "political", "suggest", "compare", "tend", "cause", "source", "challenge", "thought", "technology",...
36個の問題: ["藤原氏が行った、摂政や関白中心の政治を何という?", "鎌倉幕府における将軍の補佐役を何という?", "承久の乱以降、朝廷を監視するため幕府が設置した役職は何?", "日蓮が開いた宗派は何?", "兼好法師が著した随筆集は何?", "保元の乱と平治の乱に勝利した武士は誰?", "壇ノ浦の戦いで平氏を滅ぼした武士は誰?", "1232年、北条泰時が定めた武士のための法律を何という?", "...
30個の問題: ["strangle", "texture", "vacant", "cheery", "unfold", "procession", "finite", "testament", "pretend", "hygiene", "dense", "pedestrian", "ecological", "recall", "fictional", "conspire", "inhale", "b...
30個の問題: ["though", "research", "expert", "run", "nature", "tablet", "suggest", "create", "statement", "exchange", "education", "recommend", "earth", "professor", "effective", "recently", "certain", "articl...
500個の問題: ["pursue", "plentiful", "uneven", "substitute", "misleading", "mandatory", "economical", "hover", "independence", "obligation", "rash", "compound", "assumption", "foster", "series", "dirt", "mean",...
28個の問題: ["thaw", "plentiful", "fragile", "wisdom", "compound", "undergraduate", "incident", "faulty", "confine", "heighten", "transaction", "expire", "infant", "transform", "petty", "retail", "antioxidant"...
30個の問題: ["cerebral", "heave", "indulgent", "malevolent", "scrupulous", "melancholy", "sparse", "garner", "impending", "blunder", "dispel", "hygienic", "wince", "coax", "tumble", "knack", "contingency", "ec...
30個の問題: ["striking", "methodology", "geometry", "portray", "inferior", "coarse", "compress", "perspective", "bankrupt", "simultaneous", "exotic", "presume", "outrageous", "notorious", "dispatch", "assess",...
20個の問題: ["opportunity", "trend", "penalty", "capital", "unlike", "stressful", "pace", "fantastic", "surface", "theme", "regret", "exhibit", "shortly", "researcher", "figure", "simple", "awful", "achieve", ...
20個の問題: ["try [do] one’s best", "run out of", "go on a tour", "be expected to do", "look out", "on board", "rely on", "stay in bed", "as if [though]...", "succeed in", "make sense of", "in [at] the beginni...
28個の問題: ["reconcile", "tremble", "suck", "deflate", "humble", "pledge", "persuasive", "domain", "despise", "conditional", "revenue", "destruction", "forthcoming", "endeavor", "hollow", "slope", "irresistib...
28個の問題: ["reconcile", "prospect", "tremble", "suck", "deflate", "humble", "pledge", "persuasive", "domain", "despise", "conditional", "revenue", "destruction", "forthcoming", "endeavor", "hollow", "slope",...
28個の問題: ["reconcile", "prospect", "tremble", "suck", "deflate", "humble", "pledge", "persuasive", "domain", "despise", "conditional", "revenue", "destruction", "forthcoming", "endeavor", "hollow", "slope",...
20個の問題: ["religious", "nutrient", "permission", "dose", "evidence", "current", "genome", "insurance", "indicate", "theft", "register", "effective", "immediate", "illegal", "conflict", "operate", "economist...
30個の問題: ["reluctant", "obvious", "absence", "transplant", "basement", "prosperity", "janitor", "exert", "celebrity", "disregard", "intelligent", "behavioral", "intentionally", "accumulate", "master", "real...
30個の問題: ["reluctant", "obvious", "absence", "transplant", "basement", "prosperity", "janitor", "exert", "celebrity", "disregard", "intelligent", "behavioral", "intentionally", "accumulate", "master", "real...
30個の問題: ["stance", "horrible", "curious", "mature", "sewage", "replacement", "Mediterranean", "descendant", "incentive", "pursue", "celebrity", "permanently", "innovation", "ministry", "stream", "termite",...
30個の問題: ["assess", "technically", "alongside", "ration", "rotate", "excel", "alien", "grumble", "recession", "wholly", "intensive", "sensation", "dictate", "app", "urge", "via", "completion", "fragment", "...
30個の問題: ["errand", "acid", "completion", "thaw", "lengthy", "ripe", "inevitable", "immeasurable", "inhale", "massive", "appetite", "arrangement", "blister", "compress", "pedestrian", "problematic", "mere",...
14個の問題: ["site", "adopt", "aircraft", "essential", "present", "budget", "range", "severe", "embassy", "emission", "contract", "criminal", "bystander", "ensure"]
20個の問題: ["elite", "dictator", "simplify", "strangle", "certainty", "inconvenient", "imbalance", "summit", "leak", "annoy", "enact", "stroll", "independence", "inactive", "economical", "pit", "realistic", "...
20個の問題: ["elite", "dictator", "simplify", "strangle", "certainty", "inconvenient", "imbalance", "summit", "leak", "annoy", "enact", "stroll", "independence", "inactive", "economical", "pit", "realistic", "...
40個の問題: ["so that A can [will] do", "take care", "ask for", "shake hands", "look like ...", "complain about", "on one’s [the] way (to)", "put on", "live on", "call (A) back", "(all) by oneself", "get A to ...
16個の問題: ["side", "view", "magic", "grandparent", "crowd", "almost", "British", "die", "nearby", "package", "date", "tourist", "loud", "pretty", "stand", "weight"]
10個の問題: ["inconspicuous", "reconnaissance", "nonchalant", "mar", "procure", "affluent", "protrusion", "farce", "ingenuity", "obstinate"]
10個の問題: ["prolific", "astronomer", "perpetrator", "freight", "casualty", "oral", "ailment", "precipitation", "turmoil", "admittedly"]
80個の問題: ["みなす、よろしくというあいさつ", "座席、座らせる、すわる物(所)", "供給(する)、必需品、蓄え", "競技連盟", "クリーム", "正方形の、正方形", "くさり", "物語、(事実・伝説・架空の)話", "ジョギング", "世代", "先祖、祖先", "しっぽ、尾", "(政治的)運動、キャンペーン", "枕", "主題、テーマ", "請求書、紙幣", "クモ", "(穀物な...
1900個の問題: ["earn", "enhance", "declare", "decent", "concrete", "perspective", "submit", "thread", "laundry", "tease", "budget", "scent", "forecast", "decide", "transmit", "hygiene", "parliament", "solitude",...
1900個の問題: ["establish", "distort", "maintain", "amuse", "candidate", "associate", "posture", "peculiar", "quit", "protest", "tame", "similar", "regret", "pin", "various", "acid", "pose", "dispatch", "oversea...
1900個の問題: ["establish", "distort", "maintain", "amuse", "candidate", "associate", "posture", "peculiar", "quit", "protest", "tame", "similar", "regret", "pin", "various", "acid", "pose", "dispatch", "oversea...